
NVQ Level 6 vs Nebosh Diploma; which is better?

Career advancement is key for everyone currently employed in a health and safety profession, thus it is crucial to know which training course to select next. For more senior employees, a degree-level certification is frequently necessary, CSP diploma, or NVQ level 6 certification but how can you get one?
A second NEBOSH certification, such as the NEBOSH Diploma, may seem like the logical next step if you have already earned the NEBOSH National General Certificate.
This is not the only choice, though. A degree-level credential with equal prestige and esteem is the recently created NVQ Level 6. We provide both at Ahlansafety Health & Safety trainings. Which one is best for you and how do they differ?

What is NEBOSH?

A reputable provider of certifications and training in occupational health and safety is the National Examination Board in Occupational Health and Safety (NEBOSH). Each year, more than 50,000 people enroll in NEBOSH courses. Over 10,000 professionals presently hold the NEBOSH National Diploma, which is recognized as the first step toward becoming a chartered safety and health practitioner.

What Is NVQ Level 6?

The most prestigious vocational qualifications in the UK are NVQs, which provide a hands-on, fact-based kind of education that may be pursued alongside employment. Level 6 is intended for those whose duties include creating and enforcing health and safety policies at work. They may or may not have a full-time health and safety position. It is a higher level of education than the foundational Level 5 NVQ Diploma in Health and Safety.
What distinguishes the NEBOSH Diploma from the NVQ Level 6?
The NEBOSH Diploma option is best for applicants who feel at ease with an academic learning style that is evaluated by conventional exams. Throughout their study term, candidates have one-on-one access to a tutor, allowing for a customized learning experience.
NVQ Level 6 is best suited for those who favour a hands-on, employment-based learning style. It is a great choice for those who want to continue learning while working a full-time job because it is evaluated by projects rather than exams.
Who should pursue an NVQ Level 6 or NEBOSH Diploma?
For managers and professionals in health and safety who have several years of experience in their current position, the NEBOSH Diploma is appropriate. Candidate completion of a Level 3 certificate, such as the NEBOSH Certificate, is ideal.
For professionals with three to five years of experience in management or senior management roles that incorporate health and safety obligations, NVQ Level 6 is appropriate. Candidates can easily upgrade to Level 6 if they have already passed NVQ Level 3. You don’t have to finish them both individually.

Benefits of a NEBOSH Diploma

• Academic credentials at the degree level
• The adaptability of being able to study in a traditional classroom or online
• The course expands upon the depth of information gained during NEBOSH Certificate studies.
• The Diploma can be used in a variety of businesses and is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.
• Holders are qualified for CMIOSH and GradIOSH, and they can use DipNEBOSH after their names.
• Many employers demand the NEBOSH Diploma.

Cons of the NEBOSH Diploma

• The NEBOSH Diploma program necessitates dedication to a protracted and intense period of study.
• It entails formal exams, which some applicants might not favour.
• Exams cannot be taken remotely; they must be taken in person.

NVQ Level 6 advantages
• Studying is based on work, so you can keep working on your career without interruption.
• No leave of absence is necessary.
• The portfolio-based structure highlights practical experience from your place of employment.
• No exams are written
• Holders are qualified for NVQ Level 6 drawbacks for CMIOSH and GradIOSH.
Cons of the NEBOSH Diploma
• Compared to the NEBOSH Diploma, the course takes longer to finish.
• With no taught modules, distance learning calls for a high level of drive and dedication.
• Because your portfolio is based on your current employment, the qualification is less transportable to other industries and organizations.
Contact the ahlansafety team at any time if you have questions about either course or if you are interested in earning a degree in health and safety but aren’t sure which path to take.